Freyberg Place
Freyberg Place
Freyberg Place

Year: 2018-Present
Services: Design, Fabrication, Installation

When we were approached by Auckland Council to transform the sculptural steps at Freyberg Place into a living and breathing rainbow for Pride 2020, it became a question of ‘how?’. With 100 of steps, all at different angles, we painstakingly measured each step and created a 3D model of the steps allowing us to use the stairwell as perhaps Auckland’s most uneven canvas.

This work on the model laid the foundation for us to work on numerous other designs and installs at Freyberg with Auckland Council and Heart of the City. These have included celebrations of Matariki and Diwali, and artist collaborations with Deborah Crowe (‘Nature Wins!’) and Pouarii Tanner (P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A).